Works 1999-2013冬 Part1
City Body1 尋找城市ㄧ 2000 10/6-10/29,10/23-11/5 Group Exhibiton / Cross Discipline / Eslite Tunnan Book Store& ETAT Website ( body) /Taipei

湯皇珍 Tang, Huang-Chen
回家之路 The Way Home
Participants are given a six-sided opened up cube map and six photographs, which they are asked to position on the map illustrating their idea way home. They are then asked to make a few written comments on their own real route home.
執行時間 Time: September 15-November 15
執行場所 Locations:
"please help me find the way home"售屋廣告模式,於公眾地點實地拼圖與訪問。
Public location in Eastern District: the artist makes use of a “please help me find the way home” room-to-let type advert, putting a map and photographs together in public and interviewing passersby.
於開幕之日躺睡於會場並將 "please help me find the way home"售屋廣告置於身上邀請觀眾反應。
Entering an art arena: The artist lies asleep at the exhibition venue on the opening day, with a sign “please help me find the way home” attached to her body, inviting response from members of the public.

執行時間Time: October 23-November 5
According to how people respond “The Way Home” photographs already arranged on the six-sided map will be printed and displayed together with the comments of respondents on their own real way home.

前言 Preface 湯皇珍 Tang Huang-chen 11/8 2000
與悔之商量這個專欄之時,象神颱風正在前來台灣的路途上,而我也正在進行「尋找城市」中那個屬於我的「回家之路」- The Way Home。

As I discussed this column with Hui-chih, Typhoon Xangsane had just reached Taiwan and I was engaged in the “ The Way Home” section of City Body. I found myself on the street in the eastern district of Taipei asking passersby to help me arrange six photographs, gradually forming a six-sided open diagram which when folded together provided a resting place for everyone in the city, a home.

Two thirds of the geographical locations shown in the photographs were along the Hsichih section of the Keelung River, suffered flooding as a result of Typhoon Xangsane and lie along the route I usually take home. When Hsichih is flooded my own home which lies on high ground not far from the city often falls into darkness as the power and water are cut off and communications are severed. The riverbed, already in the process of being carved up, was turned into a river of mud and breached the walls confining it inundating neighboring residential communities, reaching places that even Typhoon Herb never reached. Together with my parents I traveled unfamiliar mountain roads in an attempt to escape the storm.

Carrying a few hastily packed bags, I felt like a night traveler making phone calls from the subway, wasn’t that a subway in that city I once passed through on my travels? And that is exactly how I finish my works, one step at a time…Until such a time as I have no way home.

Copyright 2010 All Right Reserved by Tang, Huang-Chen