Works 1999-2013 Part1
I Go Traveling Ⅴ / A Postcard with Scenery (ITALY) 我去旅行五/一張風景名信片(義大利篇)2007 4/23-6/9 5/18 Action 6/10-11/21 video-installation /Group exhibition /52th la Biennale di Venezia 52屆威尼斯雙年展─台灣館/ITALY

湯皇珍旅行五 自述/湯皇珍 威尼斯雙年展專輯
TANG Huang-Chen Taipei Fine Arts Museum of Taiwan
52th La Biennale di Venezia ATOPIA 2007.6-11

The fable that underpins I Go travelling began when the artist took part in a multinational exhibition in 1998. Two groups of artists made use of two essentially different display areas in Taipei and Paris, the subject linking them together being You Speak/ I listen. Revolving around the difficult and often paradoxical experiences between “ you and me,” ”receiving and conveying,” this started Tang Huang-Chen considering ways in which “ travel and communication “ are mutually established and led to more detailed observations of modern world defined by travel.

For me, from beginning to end, the parable the underscores I Go Travelling is linked to the core desire to communicate. This drive is seen as the process of searching for and finding one’s way: assessing received information, determining meaning and direction, attached to the beginning of the journey. With what is almost fatalism or irresistible appeal, individuals stick to the process- I am going traveling. Mistakes, misjudgments, doubts, hesitation and even the courage to risk losing one’s way or dying, always results in finding the way, with the ultimate goal of arriving at a point of communication.

I Go travelling is close to the way I think when searching for self consciousness in the black hole of nostalgia. I firmly believe that this is a fundamental awareness of one’s own time/space and the human condition. Only by looking for the right direction is it possible to find the way for ourselves. On the other hand, the execution of I Go Travelling is also a process of constant revelation. When the network of routes enters an era of multiple dimensions or a 21st century that resembles the accelerated speed of heated molecules, I Go Travelling not only echoes the core de desire to communicate but is simultaneously also hallucination.

However, those searching still choose the most realistic and fantastical journey to fallow. I Go Travelling is the name of a piece that seeks to concretely execute a modern journey as :fabrication-imitation-reconstruction-as with the scene in “ that photograph”- a journey.





petite annonce







Copyright 2010 All Right Reserved by Tang, Huang-Chen