Works 1999-2013冬 Part1
I Go Traveling Ⅶ / Plaza Traveler 我去旅行七/ 廣場旅人 2006 6/2~7/3 action ,2007 1/24~2/15 video-installation Solo exhibition / action & video-installation /Velencia,Taishin Bank /SPAIN &TAIWAN

我去旅行Ⅻ/ 廣場旅人〈於瓦倫西亞執行〉
“I Go Traveling VII / Plaza Traveler”
湯皇珍 TANG, Huang-Chen

The most important aspect of my work is first and foremost the choice of behavior/action and causing that to be executed. This behavior and the time and place in which it occurs serves as a reference dialectic, intended to arouse people's immediate awareness of their own situation. The “I Go Traveling” (我去旅行) series utilizes language narrative construct elements, to look more closely at circuitousness, analysis, differences, confusion and division – thereby launching a travel fable that resembles travel in all its elements, as we enter the message transmission time and space of the twenty-first century.

From 1998, I gradually have been completely surrounded in perhaps the most frequent human activity in this century—traveling. Via air vehicles, through telephones and computers, the course of communication takes place in different time and space, in public and private, and reflects in multi levels of symbols. I have started to use a video telephone device, openly invite audiences to join a special journey in different situations and on various levels. In my opinion, either a map, travel notes, a journal, a communication record, a scenic postcard even a package tour or a maze, always shows traces of the journey. The strangest part is the disconnection in language, digression, chaos, or a possible mind disorder. In my view, the disorder explains why people desire to travel, and further symbolizes human being’s contemporary existence. The more “trips” were done, the more situations of existence were exposed; this is why I was always allured to invite visitors to launch a new “trip”.

廣場,一個溝通慾望的雜匯之處,城市信號的出口,居民與旅人的潮間帶,多重傳述的溫床。持續我在『2002尋找城市二 / 港口』作品中針對城市流域的觀察,用真假故事明信片進行語言重複傳訊的實驗。在旅行的寓言中進行─聽、講、說、寫的虛實演譯,也是我尋訪流竄在資訊通路世界裡的溝通微言。
Plazas can serve as a place for the accumulation of the desire to communicate, exit points for urban signals, inter- tidal areas for residents and travelers and hotbeds for the conveyance of diverse messages. This can be seen as a continuation of the experiment with listening, communicating, speaking, writing, real/false postcards and the repeated transmission of language, first seen in “The city body II / Harbor” (尋找城市二/港口).

Roland BARTHES believed that images are an analogous system, limited symbols with their own real referential objects. As such, the dramatic nature of language, set use of styles and even the launch of signals, provides an alternative listening audience with the strategic nature they need, meaningless summoning words and a passing of time that is impossible to turn back and capture. When an oral record becomes written words, the logical demands, ordered structure and master-servant layer of social functions that appear, turns towards more cohesive considerations, each with its own characteristics, conflicts and ambiguities, which in turn create desires.

『我去旅行Ⅶ / 廣場旅人』將在我前往的城市中流轉於不同的廣場,有三個集音盒。一為簡易集聲器,利用物件或環境製造聲音,內置錄音機不斷收錄聲器發
“I Go Traveling VII / Plaza Traveler” will “travel” in different plazas in the cities I visit, through three sound collection boxes . The first will be a simple sound collection device, using components or environmentally created sounds and an internally installed audio recorder that continually recorded emitted sounds as they gradually accumulate (requiring two recording devices). The second will be a simple information message board. Viewers can use this to repeatedly send a pre-recorded message, until someone is finally willing to re-record a new message. The third will be a simple audio recording platform and people passing through the plaza will be asked to relate a story that comes to mind when shown a particular scenic picture postcard.








Copyright 2010 All Right Reserved by Tang, Huang-Chen