Works 1999-2013冬 Part2
Encounter at the Amusement Park 在兒童樂園相聚 2006 11/09-19 11/18
Group exhibition / action / Taipei Municipal Children’s Recreation Center/Taipei








2006 "Encounter at the Amusement Park" of Tang Huang-Chen
by Jo Hsiao (curator)
湯皇珍的在兒童樂園相遇 文/策展人蕭淑文

One day, When we’ve grown up , we meet each other at the Amusement World.
You ask me : Were are you?
I say: I’m at the amusement park.
You ask: where are you in the amusement park ?
I say: In front of the ferris wheel, sitting on the back of the crocodile
And then you ask :what’s a ferris wheel?
I say: It’s tall, like a flower. A flower that looks like a star, hung with seats for two people rising upward.
Behind it is a fake mountain like a cave veiled by a waterfall. I am sitting in the shade of tree next to it, on a seat that’s like crocodile.

“Here- in the Amusement World, at the Taipei Children’s Recreation Center -I have a blank spot in my memory. That’s because I never came here as a Child.”

Tang Huang-Chen make a bold yet “ belated” entrance into this place of childhood dreams-as amusement park that she longed to visit as a child, but never had the chance. Through the artist’s childhood experiences, “Encounter at the Amusement Park” is an examination, either conscious or unconscious, of individual isolation. Through its two stages of activities-recruiting participants and performance in the park-the artist has sought out people with the same blank spot in their memories, who through their “collective participation” break through their own conundrum of isolation. At the same time, human behavior is achieved within the parameters of art.

“Did you go to the Amusement World when you were a child? I didn’t go when I was a child. I want to invite ‘old folks” in their 40s and 50s who, like me, didn’t go to the Amusement World as a kid, to go there on November 18(2006)”. In the process of recruiting participants, Tang Huang-Chen, like an evangelist engaging in a ritual of salvation, made this request to people over and over again on the street and in the market. Very obviously, in this action, Tang Huang-Chen played the role of missionary, transforming her artistic perspective into the behavior of everyday life, or expanding it into an “event” legitimizing artistic action. “What kind of amusement ride does everyone want to take? What do you want to do? Today, We’re going to encounter our own childhoods!” The artist released a “Statement for the Amusement Park Action,” as an adult reinterpreting this locale that is the “realm of children” and using the conditioning of “collective action” to place viewers in certain states. Every viewer is also an actor, acting out scenes according to the artist’s directions and becoming part of the work. From riding the Flying Chairs the Carousel and the Coffee Cups to doing “swim” in swimming suits to playing ball, the action of the participants might very well be seen as a genuine exercise “doing” a real action through the method of play.

Performance artist Tang Huang-Chen makes use of real-life experiences to construct ritualized bodily action. In certain situation, Tang Huang-Chen’s performances are achieved by living her art, by “ratifying” reality, and bringing it to a final climax in a single action. In this ritual of transformation, art cleaves very closely to reality, with an objective. Yet at the level of societal function , even if thoroughly subverting art’s reliance on autonomy, it expresses a system of diverse values. Ultimately, it is more declarative than substantive. Certainly, expressing certain concepts or issues through art action breaks down the barrier between art and life to limited degree, because it only involves a small group of participants, and occurs within the territory of art. Compared to real life, it is still a kind of “alienation”14 Nevertheless, Tang Huang-Chen’s art action attained a resonance with its participants, who shared with one another the life experiences of middle-aged people, so that this “ people -to- people” encounter hovered somewhere in between reality and artifice. Middle-aged bodies intruded upon a place of childhood infatuation, creating a fictitious encounter with their childhood selves. And in a filled –in swimming pool (where they did exercises of swimming) and a disused roof-stop (where they played ball), game-playing in these two forgotten spaces strongly intimated the distressing state of middle-aged lives, with twilight in the offing, thus pulling their own statuses back to the state of reality. And if one might observe that the artist controlled the form of performance, she also transformed the participant’s reaction into action fulfilling their expectations!

Copyright 2010 All Right Reserved by Tang, Huang-Chen