Works 1999-2013秋 Part2
2013 5/11~5/31 I Go TravelingⅩ/An Epitaph-stage2Berlin 旅行十/墓誌銘─終場
MPA-B 2013柏林表演藝術月 /installation & performance 5/31 / Rosalux Art Office / Berlin/Germany

我去旅行十/ 墓誌銘──終場
TANG, Huang-Chen
I Go Traveling X/ An Epitaph—Finale
Stage 2: A Small Place that is Mine

The four rooms form a cross, leaving a square of the same size in the center. Video documentations are shown inside each room as the two opposite rooms are paired. “I Go Traveling VIII/ WISE MAN FISH HERE” will be shown in one pair of rooms, which entails the action performance on April 19th, 2008, including both the filmed as well as the filming.

TANG, Huang-Chen

Part1 (shown on video)
Can you see me? (Put on the white socks.) Any images outside? (Outline a boat with chalk.) This is the ninth time that I recount my memories. So, today’s mission is to erase the memories I’ve kept. Erasure. Before that, I must think about what I’ve already recounted. Nine journeys. What I’ve said probably begins this way. After I leave “Venice,” I take a left turn. Passing a row of neatly parked motorcycles, I would reach some low, concrete houses of Chung-Tou Village. These low, concrete houses still remain the same as they were in my childhood. Each has three or four storeys and possibly tin roofs. Going a little further, I’d pass a few temples. Some yams are planted there under the trees in front of the temples. It’s odd. Their leaves are purple. Then, I’d slowly approach some properties for sale. Pre-construction. New condos. This development is titled “Love of the Upper River.” Naturally, they are very different from the low, concrete houses. They have French windows, very modern façade, and gardens. We normally call it a view. Moving pass the “Love of the Upper River”—I always think that nobody will buy those pre-construction condos because every time I pass by, the windows are closed and the doors are shut. Anyway, from here, I’m going to begin—moving pass the “Love of the Upper River,” I need to walk across the street. If I don’t, I’d end up walking into the traffic. After crossing the street— are you following this? The Love River would be on my right hand side. I’d walk along the riverside. This part of the road is pretty bizarre. If you really walk along and on the sidewalk, you will bump into some construction fences. Behind the fences, some construction is going on. I think it might be—a witness of the long history of the expanding Love River—it’s an iron bridge with concrete piers. Trains of the Taiwan Railways are still running on the iron bridge. Taiwan Railways. It does sound ancient. People take the Kaohsiung Rapid Transit…take the High Speed Railway nowadays. If you don’t walk on the sidewalk nicely—you don’t want to bump into the fences, naturally—you’d end up fighting for your way with the bicycles. The sign on this section reads, “Watch out for the cyclists. Look out for the pedestrians.” Bicycles might sweep past you from behind at any time without any warnings. So, I’m always very nervous walking on this road. Walking past this section, I would hurry to somewhere people could really walk. The fences would be far behind me. There’s another strange thing about this section. The first time I took this road, I didn’t notice any rodsters. Lately, however, I see many rodsters. It’s probably because the weather was too hot. Wait a second. I can tell you another thing. This section of the road has wooden pavement. The boards make sounds when you walk on them. (Imitate the sounds.) Meanwhile, you can see lots of garbage. A lot. Maybe there isn’t any trash bin around, or for whatever reason I can’t think of. If not plastic bottles, then there’re some dirty lunch boxes, or, some unidentified leftover in open plastic bags. It was right here that I saw a giant rat when I took the road the first time. This—it’s probably been fifteen minutes…although the time I’ve got is ten minutes and seventeen seconds. This fifteen-minute walk would end at a bridge. The name of it sounds quite respectful. “Founding the Republic”— “Chien Kuo Bridge.” No doubt the bridge is named according to the meaning of the words, “founding the Republic.” “Chien Kuo Bridge.” Oh, I should also let you know where this “Venice” I’ve mentioned is located. Walking out of “Venice,” turn right. You can see a red arch bridge. I’m not sure if it’s that arch bridge or not. It should be. It might be the only red arch bridge on the Love River. So, it should be easy to locate where my “Venice” is.
看得見我嗎 (穿上白襪) 外面有影像嗎 (粉筆重劃船形) 這是我第九次講述我的記憶 -所以 今天的任務是要把我現在儲量的記憶— 抹除 在抹除之前 必須先想想我講述了哪些事情 九次的旅行 -我所說的應該是這樣開始 離開“威尼斯“之後我會向左轉 經過一些排列整齊的機車群落 接著來到中都里的水泥矮房 這些水泥矮房跟我小時候一樣 它們是三層樓或四層樓 可能有鐵皮的屋頂 再往前走 會經過幾個廟 廟前樹下種有蕃薯 奇怪 那些蕃薯葉是紫色的 然後 我會慢慢接近一些正在售屋— 預售—新的屋子 這些新屋叫上河戀 當然 跟水泥矮屋很不一樣 它們有落地的窗戶 非常現代化的牆面 還有庭院—我們說景觀 過了上河戀— 我一直覺得那些預售屋沒有人去買 因為每次經過時 窗戶都是關著 門也是關著 無論如何 到了這邊我要開始— 通過上河戀後我要橫過馬路 如果不過馬路會捲入車道 過了馬路以後— 你跟上來嗎 愛河在我右手邊 順著愛河走 這段路還蠻詭異 如果你真沿著人行步道走— 會撞上一個施工的圍籬 圍籬後頭正在施工的-我認為可能是愛河-這段那麼長的愛河裡最古老的一個見證 一座水泥墩的鐵橋 鐵橋上還在通行台鐵的火車 台鐵- 很遙遠吧 現在坐捷運— 坐高鐵 如果你不這麼乖地沿著人行道走 -當然不要去撞圍籬 你會跟鐵馬爭道 這段路寫著:當心騎士 當心行人 鐵馬會從你的後面隨時無預警跟你擦身而過 所以 始終我在這條路上都非常的緊張 過了這段 我會趕快閃身到真正可以走人的地方 也就是那圍籬已落在我的後方 這段路還有奇怪 第一次走時並沒有看到釣者 但最近我發現相當多垂釣的人 可能是天氣太熱了 -等等我會告訴你另外一件事情— 這段路鋪著木板— 橫向的木板 走起來有聲音 (模仿聲音) 同時還看到很多垃圾 -非常多 可能附近沒有垃圾筒或者是什麼原因不清楚 -不是寶特瓶就是剩下的便當 要不 就是敞開的一些不明的食物殘留 也就在這理 我第一次走的時候發現一隻大老鼠 這 -大約已經經過十五分鐘了 雖然我現在的時刻顯示的是十分十七秒 這段十五分鐘的路程會結束在一座橋 這座橋的名字還頗為嚴肅 以建— 民國 “建國橋“ 不要懷疑就是以建民國的“建國“ 建國橋-喔 我應該交待一下我的“威尼斯“在哪裡 “威尼斯“出來你往右手邊看去是一座紅色的拱形橋 我不知道是不是這座拱形橋 應該是— 可能是不是愛河上唯一一座紅色拱形橋 如此 應該很好辨認




Copyright 2010 All Right Reserved by Tang, Huang-Chen