Works 1997-2011 Part2
Ex-Change–Art–Work (2004 Taiwan Asia Performance Art Meeting) 交-易-作-品 2004 11/30
Group Exhibiton / Action / Di-Has street /Taipei

2004 亞洲行為藝術節
作者:湯皇珍TANG, Huang-Chen

作品名稱:交-易-作-品 Ex-Change -Art-Work

透過群眾,是真亦假,似假亦真,執行實際以物易物的誘發行為。首先觸接迪化街的場所閱讀,進而銜連由古至今人類交易的長久經濟行為歷史,企圖辯演「價值」的底層內容、行為作品的「非交易」機制 以及藝術的非物質屬域。
Invite audience to carry out the action of exchanging materials in reality as well as in appearance. First the audience will read an contact the DI Hwa Street to connect to long history of human economical behaviors from the very begiinning of human history to present.I try to present though the theatrical dialectics the lowest level content of "value" the "non-exchangeability" of performance works, and the non-materiality of Art.

時間地點:11/30/2004 下午 大稻埕 迪化布市廣場
locate: Taipei Yung-lo Square

1)紙箱套身、四面中英文分字書寫:交-易-作-品 ex-change-art- work、

Copyright 2010 All Right Reserved by Tang, Huang-Chen