Works 尤里西斯機器
2014-2015 尤里西斯機器--回視湯皇珍我去旅行十五年(stage2) 2014 9/13~10/19 TAIPEI MOCA Studio

尤里西斯機器 -回視湯皇珍「我去旅行」十五年
Ulysses Machine -Tang Huang-Chen's“ I Go Travelling"15 years later
Stage 2

Tang Huang-Chen's "I Go Travelling", a long-term interdisciplinary creation, encompassing sociology and linguistics, consists of ten projects produced over the course of 15 years, starting with "You Talk, I'll Listen" in 1999 and concluding with "Epitaph" in 2013.


The author chose the act of travel to encapsulate her sojourning activities, this ordinary, complicated, and paradoxical behavior of the 21st century, to serve as an allegory of sorts. Travel today is characterized by sharing, communication, and interaction in both the abstract and physical senses and involves exchange, displacement, reflection, and pursuit of an unattainable changing ambiguity.


校正偏航後,你可確知湯皇珍《《我去旅行》是一場十五年的行動: 作者(湯皇珍)“提取「旅行」行為作為其行動寓言事件的擬態,直指此二十一世紀最頻繁、複性、吊詭的人類作為—演繹「旅行」之於當代,展現於傳導、溝通、互動-無論是抽象心智或實質版圖領域的交換、異位、反噬、無盡變動昏昧的無法追捕。

The ten groups of videos are interconnected and divided according to the three places in which changes occurred and then once again reintegrated as a whole as a machine: the "Ulysses Machine".

【尤里西斯機器】在展演時間擔負視聽,以可以一人進入停留大小(W150XL170XH230cm),或有門,或多方向入口之黑盒子機身為組合單元。 單元間留有通道,入內者選擇路徑進行停留觀視。
During the exhibition, the Ulysses Machine is a black box type unit that serves as a viewing area for one person at a time (dimensions: W:150cm x L:170cm x H:230cm) with a door or entrances on more than one side. There are access aisles
between units, allowing visitors to choose the route they want to take and which units to stop in and view.

Artist Tang Huang-Chen (the original narrator) incorporated "I Go Travelling", a piece which consists of ten works completed between 1999 and 2013, into her 2014-2015 Ulysses Machine to form a series of extended audiovisual relationships showing her 15-year creative journey.

Visitors that enter the Ulysses Machine alternate between the expression and understanding, with concepts being built up and others shattered. They set off on new journeys and experience course reversals much like Homer's Ulysses did as he strove to find his way home.

穿梭於【尤里西斯機器】製造的「旅行」中,諸位超級旅行家可追捕到什麼?2014 9/13~10/19 泊留於台北當代館MOCA Studio 的【尤里西斯機器】可以造訪:〈旅行八/智者在此垂釣〉、〈旅行九/遠行的人〉、〈旅行七/廣場旅人〉、〈旅行四/TRAVELLER.BALI〉 以及放在〈旅行六/幸福之島〉腹中的〈旅行三/千禧伊通逍遙遊〉。



平日泊留時分【尤里西斯機器】是遊走在展覽空間中的影音裝置島群,承載著一件件《我去旅行》作品的再闡述,一段段逐次釋放三處展場的【尤里西斯機器】全體製造了關於湯皇珍《我去旅行》的再「旅行」。特約演場時分,【尤里西斯機器】同時成為七次演出(2014年6/7 、6/28 、9/27 、10/18,2015 年4/25、5/2、5/9)的演場,企圖再度升高臨場表述與傳譯在語言、聲音、視聽、身體行為及
The Ulysses Machine, which is both multimedia equipment and part of the performance, is being shown at a specially designated time. As the performance progresses, visitors can choose for themselves when they "enter" and "exit" the machine. The performance consists of climaxes of expression and complex layers interpreted through language, sound, visuals, physical actions, and performance. In I Go Travelling, Tang Huang-Chen followed closely in the steps of Ulysses who chose to opted for a life of mortality rather than become a god, knowing that the brevity of life is the very thing that makes us cherish it.


If the goals of "I Go Travelling" are language and expression--undying desires of humanity, then Tang Huang-Chen's vision, travels, search, and return home settled deep into her memory and serve as an anchor for her self-identity and consciousness as well as a glance back at life's terminus. Much like the adventures of Ulysses in the Greek tale The Odyssey, our protagonist is no victorious hero, just a wanderer who wants to return home. Pendulum swings between human will and the fickle finger of fate produce a faceoff between the vicissitudes of life and the awakening of conscious, so that in the end, the return home marks the launching of a voyage of a different kind. In much the same way that the narrative drifts from adventure to adventure, continually striving toward the goal, but drifting off course time and time again, there is no necessary language structure, but there is an undying desire to communicate. The pendulum that swings between human psyche and the search for words produces a confrontation between the continual changes of life and awakening of conscious, so that in the end, words fail to express what she wants to say.

Spanning 15 years, Tang Huang-Chen's project stirs up ideas of travel--an allegorical behavior of the 21st century, leading to mental adventures of art that include observation, imagining, interpretation, and an awareness of the human predicament. The process of artistic creation, from contemplation to interpretation, from conceptualization to expression, is a constant challenge of self… an act that can be compared to sailing against the wind. In the end, she employed the Ulysses Machine of 2014~2015 to produce a narrative journey characterized by vicissitudes of life that is unmatched in the way it touches the soul.


Ulysses Machine: Tang Huang-Chen’s “I Go Travelling”—15 Years Later

展覽概介   石瑞仁 / 台北當代藝術館執行總監
Exhibition Introduction
J. J. Shih / Executive Director of the Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei

Ulysses (Odysseus) was the war hero of the Trojan War in Homer’s epics. He was lost in the homebound voyage for 10 years on the sea, during which he was offered a chance to become immortal, but chose to remain human and returned home for his family. In the Ulysses Machine, Tang made use of this mythological story and developed multiple versions of her personal travels of the body and mind. The exhibition at MOCA Studio is the second stage of three exhibitions that constitute one complete “voyage” in time*, and this exhibition in three parts is defined by the 10 projects that could be deconstructed, reassembled and reshaped, which Tang calls her “machines.”

此次展出,湯皇珍將之前的《我去旅行》系列重新配置為八組新作,分別是在第一展間的〈旅行九/遠行的人〉、〈旅行四/ Traveller.Bali〉和〈旅行七/廣場旅人(影音版)〉,第二展間的〈旅行七/廣場旅人(聲音版)〉、搭配成組的〈旅行六/ 幸福之島〉及〈旅行三/千禧伊通逍遙遊〉、〈旅行八/智者在此垂釣〉,以及置於廊道中,用來總括過去十件旅行作品概念的〈語言飛航〉裝置。
For the MOCA Studio exhibition, Tang presented 8 projects of the reorganized I Go Travelling series: in the first gallery are “I Go Travelling IX—The Sojourner,” “I Go Travelling IV—Traveller.Bali,” and “I Go Travelling VII—Plaza Traveler (audio-visual version),” and in the second gallery are “I Go Travelling VII—Plaza Traveler (audio version),” “I Go Travelling VI—A Happy Island,” “I Go Travelling III—IT Vacation,” “I Go Travelling IX—Wise Man Fish Here”; another installation titled “A Flight of Language” that introduces the concepts of the 10 projects is placed in the hallway.

With years of time and real actions, Tang has extracted the story of Ulysses’s voyage and explored different aspects of “travelling,” which can refer to physical actions but function as a metaphor for Tang at the same time. She interprets the idea of “travelling” from both perspectives of intellectuality and physicality, and examines the exchange, displacement, disavowal, variations and everything that could not be captured by words. In this exhibition, audience venture into a lost journey planned by Tang, and get a glimpse of the core of Tang’s thinking: how an artist thinks, imagines and interprets to achieve the awareness of the human condition. From the formation of thoughts to the delivery of ideas, and from having concepts in mind to expressing statements, the installations manifest the artist’s persevering will and actions, in which she has constantly challenged herself.

There are two live performances and two lectures scheduled during the exhibition, and Tang aims to weave her concepts, performances and installations into a new tapestry of texts, leading the audience to re-think the multiple layers of language, sound, media, body and space. Entering the Ulysses Machine, one could find clues to travel, anchor or sojourn in the original version and various new versions of Tang’s I Go Travelling series, making his or her own departures and returns in between the ideas and concepts that Tang wishes to deliver.

After being an artist for over 20 years, Tang also proposes a major question on one’s self and on life through this exhibition: if one must die in the end, what is the purpose of life? Where is one eventually heading? A travel through the Ulysses Machine might shed new light on these questions.

* The first stage of the Ulysses Machine started at Art 8 in Hsinchu City in May, 2014. The second stage is revealed at MOCA Studio in September, 2014. Finally, the voyage will go to the Museum of National Taipei University of Education in May, 2015.

About the Artist
Huang-chen Tang was born in Taipei in 1958. After graduating from the Department of Fine Arts of Taiwan Normal University, she studied Plastic Art at the Université Paris VIII. She specializes in combining action art, performance, installation and audio-visual works. For the past 15 years, Tang has been making use of the theme, I Go Travelling, and has created 10 projects, integrating physical travels, journeys of the mind and her personal philosophy. Her “I Go Travelling V / A Postcard with Scenery (Part 2—Taiwan)” in 2006 won the grand prize of the 4th Taishin Arts Award, and was invited for the Taiwan Pavilion in the 52nd Venice Biennial in 2007.




06【MOCA Studio湯皇珍】演出單n




Copyright 2010 All Right Reserved by Tang, Huang-Chen